After an upgrade of the ABAP backend system, the Function Module "UWL_GET_FILTERED_ITEMS_PROXY" does not exist.
Another symptom which can happen as a consequence of this is that when trying to save a UWL WebFlowConnector in the SAP Enterprise Portal by informing a value for either one of the following properties, it fails with an error:
- Supported Item Types
- Excluded Item Types
In such a case, saving the UWL connector returns the following error message:
"Back end <system_alias> does not support item type filtering"
This message appears as shown below:
- SAP NetWeaver 7.3
- SAP enhancement package 1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.3
- SAP NetWeaver 7.4
- SAP Netweaver 7.5
Enterprise Portal 7.03, EP 7.03, Enterprise Portal 7.1, EP 7.1, Enterprise Portal 7.2, EP 7.2, Enterprise Portal 7.30, EP 7.30, Enterprise Portal 7.31, EP 7.31, Enterprise Portal 7.40, EP 7.4, Enterprise Portal 7.50, EP 7.5,FM,not available,UWL_GET_FILTERED_ITEMS_PROXY,UWLCONN, Backend, does not support item type filtering, itemtype, filtering , KBA , EP-BC-UWL , Universal Worklist , Problem
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