An end user attempting to enter his data into PCM. Navigation via button takes them to the specified book. The navigation works for all but one user.
SAP Profitability and Cost Management; EPM-PCM
An end user attempting to enter his data into PCM. The setup for our users is that they choose the model, and then a Book Menu. The Book menu is in the spread dimension and a button even OnClick takes them to the specified book with the scripting shown below. Although this is working for all other users so far, we are finding one that when he clicks on button, it will not take him to the desired book, but the screen remains the same. If he tries it on a different machine, but same credentials it works.
EPM; EPM-PCM; Profit; SAP PCM; SBOP PCM; jmhiv2016e; SAP BusinessObjects Profitability and Cost Management; , KBA , EPM-PCM , Profitability and Cost Management, EPO, PP, AA, Metify , Problem
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