When creating a Job Requisition from the Position Org Chart, you receive an error detailing the requisition cannot be created, stating that "jobCode invalid, with index 0":
For those customers who are:
• not using Job Profile Builder (JPB) and
• are using the OData based EC to RCM integration since b1605,
There is currently a technical restriction that will force them to associate each job code against a role in “admin center > families and roles”. This association between roles and job codes had not been required to raise a job requisition from position org chart when using SFAPI based integration.
If the Job Code is a required field in the Job Requisition, there are currently two workarounds:
1. Map all the Job Code/Job Classifications with Families and Roles. Please see KBA "2080013 - Managing Families & Roles and Competency Mappings - Employee Central 2.0" for steps on how to do this.
2. With b1608, there is now a new possibility to set the requisition to be draft, so it can be saved with not all mandatory fields filled. By adding a condition to the business rule, you will be able to create the Job Requisition without including Job Code in the business rule:
See Also
jobCode Job Requisition Position Org Chart Position to Recruiting RCM , KBA , LOD-SF-RCM , Recruiting Management , LOD-SF-EC-POS , Position Management , LOD-SF-EC-INT , Manage Pending Hires (Integration RCM/ ONB/ OBX + UI) , Problem