An order shows different start/end date and time between ECC and APO Detailed Scheduling Planning Board. Typically, they are different by hours or hours:30 minutes. For example, in ECC you see 08:00 but in APO planning board you see 10:00 or 05:30. However, /SAPAPO/CCR Delta report can't find any inconsistency in this aspect.
As your scenario involves plants/users around the globe, you suspect that time zone difference is causing the issue but you're not sure.
- SAP Supply Chain Management (SCM), Advanced Planning and Optimization (APO)
- SAP ERP Central Components
header, operation start, operation end, scheduled start, scheduled end, GSTRP, Basic start date, GSUZP, Basic start time, GLTRP, GLUZP , KBA , SCM-APO-INT-PPS , PP-DS / Production and Process Order , PP-SFC , Production Orders , SCM-APO-PPS , Production Planning and Detailed Scheduling , How To
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