* Problem :
Customer's NLS IQ server is associated with SAP BW and loading jobs are comming from HANA DB.
This IQ server has been appearing a certain blocked, hang-up or unresponsive status for a long time,
even couple of days. Like this blocked or silent mode was disappeared and server looked normal status.
It seems that server was recovered by itself.
Currently any doubt factor is not detected yet. Before this silent status, i couldn't see
any error messge or doubt things from iqmsg, srvlog and some log files.
According to DBA, it seems this problem always happen when retrieving data back from NLS to HANA.
No RLV was used.
In iqmsg plan, CIS operation looks a lot. It seems to be related to SQL operation between IQ and HANAG DB.
Following is examples of problem sesseion.
Example :
: The connHandle 133 made a connection at 08/16 14:48:41. The session looked to be cancelled
an hour later at 08/16 15:55:40. But there was not any operation till 08/19 11:08:53.
I couldn't see other data insert/update session log before.
There was nothing dumped stack for this example-1.
IQmsg =>
I. 08/16 14:48:41. 0000620700 Collation CESU8BIN, Case Respect, Blank Padding On, Comparisons are Conditioned
I. 08/16 14:48:41. 0000620700 Txn 4725343 0 0
I. 08/16 14:48:41. 0000620700 Connect: SA connHandle: 133 SA connID: 3 IQ connID: 0000620700 User: DBA
I. 08/16 14:48:41. 0000620700 TxnVer 4725343 4725344
I. 08/16 15:55:40. 0000000000 Cancellation request received: SA connHandle: 133 SA connID: 3 IQ connID: 0000620700 User: DBA
I. 08/19 11:08:53. 0000620700 Cancellation request received: SA connHandle: 133 SA connID: 3 IQ connID: 0000620700 User: DBA
I. 08/19 11:08:53. 0000620700 [20535]: Query Plan:
I. 08/19 11:08:53. 0000620700 [20535]: 0 #07: Root
I. 08/19 11:08:53. 0000620700 [20535]: Child Node 1: #47
I. 08/19 11:08:53. 0000620700 [20535]: Generated Result Rows: 8,397,163
I. 08/19 11:08:53. 0000620700 [20535]: Estimated Result Rows: 16,045,808
I. 08/19 11:08:53. 0000620700 [20535]: User Name: DBA (SA connHandle: 133 SA connID: 3)
I. 08/19 11:08:53. 0000620700 [20535]: Time of First Fetch Call : 2016-08-16 14:48:41.719994
I. 08/19 11:08:53. 0000620700 [20535]: Time of First Fetch Return : 2016-08-16 14:48:55.427047
I. 08/19 11:08:53. 0000620700 [20535]: Time of Second Fetch Call : 2016-08-16 14:48:55.427688
I. 08/19 11:08:53. 0000620700 [20535]: Time of Last Fetch Return : 0001-01-01 00:00:00.000000
I. 08/19 11:08:53. 0000620700 [20535]: Time of Complete Call : 2016-08-19 11:08:53.151631
I. 08/19 11:08:53. 0000620700 [20535]: Time of Complete Return : 2016-08-19 11:08:53.151635
I. 08/19 11:08:53. 0000620700 [20535]: Elapsed Condition time: 0:00:00.119842
I. 08/19 11:08:53. 0000620700 [20535]: Elapsed time : 68:20:11.588851
I. 08/19 11:08:53. 0000620700 [20535]: Column 1 Note: FP(1-bit) index used by optimizer
I. 08/19 11:08:53. 0000620700 [20535]: Column 1 Indexes: FP(1-bit)
I. 08/19 11:08:53. 0000620700 [20535]: Maximum Row ID: 7
I. 08/19 11:08:53. 0000620700 Rbck
I. 08/19 11:08:53. 0000620700 PostRbck
I. 08/19 11:08:53. 0000620700 Disconnect: SA connHandle: 133 SA connID: 3 IQ connID: 0000620700 User: DBA
Srvlog =>
I. 08/16 14:48:41. TCP/IP: Received connection request from
I. 08/16 14:48:41. Connection from assigned connection ID 133
I. 08/16 14:48:41. Connection ID 133: "DBA" connected to database "**IQDEV" from SQL Anywhere 16.0.0 (2014) client over TCPIP
I. 08/16 14:48:41. Connection ID 133: AppInfo is IP=****OS='Linux 3.0.76-0.11-default #1 SMP Fri Jun 14 08:21:43 UTC 2013 (ccab990) x';EXE=/.../exe/disp+work;PID=0x7556;THREAD=0x7f6273e49760;VERSION=;API=ODBC;TIMEZONEADJUSTMENT=480
I. 08/16 14:48:41. Connection ID 133: Server character set conversion will occur
database character set is "CESU-8"
using client character set "UTF-8"
I. 08/16 14:48:41. Connection ID 133: Character set changed to "none"
I. 08/16 15:55:40. Connection ID 133: connection "DBA" terminated abnormally
I. 08/16 15:55:40. Connection ID 133: Disconnected TCPIP client's AppInfo is IP=;HOST=BWDQAP01;OSUSER=bhdadm;OS='Linux 3.0.76-0.11-default #1 SMP Fri Jun 14 08:21:43 UTC 2013 (ccab990) x';EXE=/...exe/disp+work;PID=0x7556;THREAD=0x7f6273e49760;VERSION=;API=ODBC;TIMEZONEADJUSTMENT=480
I. 08/19 11:08:53. Connection ID 133: "DBA" disconnected from database "**IQDEV"
I. 08/19 11:08:53. TCP/IP: Received connection request from ****.
KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem
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