It is possible to create a query that contains:
- Keyfigure Structures with hierarchical display (Keyfigure Hierarchy). Also see WIKI Example:
- As well as hidden keyfigures within this keyfigure hierarchy.
- Or in a similiar way, Characteristic Structures with hierarchical display over structure elements.
By combining these features it is possible to build up a scenario where e.g. a keyfigure is used as a child of another keyfigure and the parent keyfigure has display setting "Always Hide".
In this case it is not clear how to handle such a scenario and the behaviour might differ between different frontend implementations:
- In the ABAP runtime (which e.g. Bex Analyzer is based on) keyfigures or structure elements that are set to "Always Hide" as well as all their children are not displayed.
- In BICS-based frontend tools (such as the JavaWeb runtime or Analysis for Office) keyfigures or structure elements that are set to "Always Hide" are not displayed. Underlying "displayable" children are moved to the upper level.
SAP NetWeaver All versions
SAP NetWeaver all versions
Structure, crosslist , KBA , BW-BEX-OT-OLAP , Analyzing Data , BW-BEX-ET-WB-7X , 7.x Analyzer Frontend , Problem
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