During the export of a SAP system running in a High Availability environment using Software Provisioning Manager (SWPM) you run into an error:
"You try to change the context parameter sapdrive, but it cannot be changed."
The sapinst_dev.log shows:
"ERROR <timestamp> (<host>\<user>) [kdxxcvalue.cpp:349] id=keydb.contextParameterNotChangeable errno=FKD-00043
You try to change the context parameter sapdrive, but it cannot be changed."
- Windows Server Operating System
- Microsoft Failover Cluster (MSCS)
- Any SAP System based on NetWeaver 7.x AS ABAP, AS Java
cluster, export, migration, heterogenous, homogenous, step getProfileDir , KBA , BC-INS-MIG , OS/DB Migrations with SWPM and DB refresh , BC-OP-NT , Windows , BC-INS-SWPM , Installation with Software Provisioning Manager , Problem
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