Error message received when attempting to create a Job Requisition from Position Management (Position Org Chart) if a Job Requisition field with type "Picklist" is included in the Business Rule Mapping.
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Management
Customers may request the possibility to use a picklist on the requisition side that is mapped to and prefilled from the position.
If this is the intended scenario, the OData API will require you to map the picklist values from MDF to the optionId of the picklist in RCM. When mapping a picklist to RCM, keep in mind that regardless of it is MDF or legacy picklist, you will be looking to find the OptionId of the picklist (Related KB article 2780148).
In order to do so, you will need to define this mapping with the help of an additional object that contains both the code and the optionId value.
The mapping object needs to be setup and maintained. Whenever there is a new value in the picklist, you will need a new instance of the object.
The MDF and the legacy picklist do not have to be manually kept in sync, as there is an automated way of doing so (see EC master guide, Q2 version, section 16.5 “Keeping ECV2 and MDF Picklists in Sync”).
Please find an example for such a picklist mapping:
Picklist Value | External Code | Option ID |
Apple | Apple_1 | 2001 |
Orange | Orange_2 | 2002 |
Banana | Banana_3 | 2003 |
To configure this in your system, execute the following steps:
- Create the mapping object in Configure Object Definitions, with only one custom field which is called “optionId”:
- Create a new instance of this object for every mapping. For the mass creation of all values of one or several picklists, it may be best to use the MDF import for the object(s):
Please note that there should no comma or decimal in the picklist Option ID.
- Use the mapping object in the field mapping to look up the Option ID via the External Code:
The format of the requisition field should be "".
- Make sure that the optionID in the lookup table matches the optionID of the picklist in use in the Job Requisition Template. Otherwise, it will throw an error: "Sorry, the requisition cannot be created. Creation of a job for position POSITION1 failed. Details: FIELDID is invalid."
See Also
2343638 - Unable to create Business Rules for Position Management to Recruiting Integration
2262815 - Succession Management: How do I migrate to or enable the MDF Position Model?
2079418 - Position Management - Employee Central
2780212 - Create Requisition from Position field invalid error for Picklist field - Recruiting Management
2780148 - How to map a picklist from EC Position to Recruiting Requisition - Recruiting Management
2885113 - How to find association fields in a lookup rule for Position Management
2878293 - Error when mapping picklist or object fields from EC to RCM through Position Management
Employee Central Master:
Employee Central Position Management:
Manage Pending Hires:
Contingent Workforce Management:
Position Management, oData, API, Picklist, Business Rule, Job Requisition, is invalid, Sorry, the requisition cannot be created