Could you please explain how is the library search engine supposed to work?
SAP SucessFactors Learning
For example: if you search for "Project Environment" and got the following results:
1) In title "Project, Environment"
2) In title "Project Environment"
3) In Description "Project Environment,"
4) In Description "Project Environment"
The index ignores "," as meaningless punctuation. It is not indexed, and it is stripped out during key wording. The same is true of ".". Including these two punctuation characters would result in many results that are good matches being ignored. It is a very common and accepted practice when implementing a search index.
Using "" for an exact search is a feature of the search. It forces an exact match and prevents keyword tokenization.
You can also use ** for a wild card search.
The search is a keyword "OR". So if you search or "Management Life" it will be broken into two keywords: "Management" and "Life" and every match will be returned.
The "AND" factors into relevancy. Results that have both will be ranked higher than those that only have one. So the better matches should be at the top of the list or on the first page or so.
If the user wants a pure "AND" search, they can surround the search phrase in double quotes.
librarySearchEngine=, PROGRESSIVE_RELEVANCE, Progressive, Search, Engine, library, search , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-CAT , Catalog , LOD-SF-LMS , Learning Management System , How To