When candidate is placed in the Ready to Hire status, they are not available in Manage Pending Hires.
SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Management
This is because the candidate had not met the required criteria for it to be placed on Manage Pending Hires.
There are 2 types of configuration for Applicatant to Manage Pending Hires.
1. Recruitment Management -> Employee Central (MPH)
2. Recruitment Management -> Onboarding -> Employee Central(MPH)
1. Recruitment Management -> Employee Central (MPH)
With this flow recruiting application can only be visible if the below condition are satisified:
- Application's Job Requisition is not deleted.
- Application is in a Hirable Status (there is no other hirable status configured)
- Application's Latest Offer Approval is in Approved Status. (If ever candidate is moved back and forth from Offer status to hireable staus then Offer needs to be approved again.)
- Operator is has the permission to perform actions in Manage Pending Hires.
If the above condition matches then we can see the application in MPH page under the Recruiting (Select Pending Hires drop down)
In the Application the warning message will appear for users with permissions for MPH when the candidate is in the hirable status: “You can’t hire this applicant because the offer isn’t approved yet”.
2. Recruitment Management -> Onboarding -> Employee Central(MPH)
With the above configuration candidate has onboarding initiated. And for initiating onboarding we have only one condition
- Operator should have permission
- Onboarding permission to the status.
Here we can also give onboarding permission to the Status "New Application" which can be configured in Job Requisition template. There is not hard rule that onboarding can be done only in Hireable status. Also to initiate onboarding we are not checking if Offer Approval is there or not.
Now, RCM initiate the onboarding. Onboarding process the application. Now it will be display in MPH page under Onboarding (Select Pending Hires drop down). So this application came from onboarding not from recruiting.
The warning message mentioned earlier is only for the RCM - EC(MPH) configuration for the applications which are under the Recruiting but will appear before initiating onboarding as the flow is not been determined.
In addition to the above, validate the onboarding integration is correctly setup by going to:
- Admin tools > Onboarding Integration Setup
Notice that Onboarding integration with RCM can be enabled with the following rule in force:
- "Apply Onboarding to all Job Requisitions"
This would mean that all candidates on all requisitions will go through onboarding first and then to EC. In this case the users will not see any candidates from Recruiting under the "Manage Pending Hires" page.
If both integration is required, then you can chose to direct the candidates on some requisitions to onboarding and the rest via recruiting. You need to chose a criteria under:
- "Apply Onboarding to Job Requisitions that meet the following criteria:"
See Also
2613694 - Unable to see candidates in Manage Pending Hires - Recruiting Management
manage, pending, hires, recruits, Missing, Candidate, offer, pending, approval, ec, transformation , KBA , LOD-SF-RCM-INT , Integration Center & Intelligent Services , Problem