- Uploading a file such as a shell script in InfoViewApp or CmcApp in XI 3.1 FP 7.3 appear successful in the Web Interface. But scheduling the object fails and shows "unable to retrieve the file"
- Checking the properties of the object and checking in the physical filestore, the object is missing
- During upload of the object (ie: in the examples, we mention shell script, but the issue is not limited to it), looking at the filestore traces in the logging folder show
2016/08/16 10:10:23.442|>=| | | 1847|1468951408|{|||||||||||||||(osca_fs_impl.cpp:551) context (436742272) FileStore_Impl::put |
- Accessing the history of a publication, an HTTP 500 Internal Error is thrown
- Copying a document from folder A to folder B in the Central Management Console (CMC) or InfoView, an error occur
A critical exception has occured, please share these details with your Administrator. The associated files of the following objects were not successfully written to the File Repository. These new objects will not be functional and should be removed: <Path/To/Document> (FWM 02144) |
- SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Enterprise XI 3.1 SP7 FP7.3
- Microsoft Windows
- Suse Linux or Linux Red Hat
- Oracle Sun Solaris
- (Optional) Separate web application deployment: WebSphere, Netweaver, WebLogic
KBA , BI-BIP-ADM , BI Servers, security, Crystal Reports in Launchpad , BI-BIP-DEP , Webapp Deployment, Networking, Vulnerabilities, Webservices , Problem
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