- If the Job Scheduler is used in ASE (ex. ATM, DBA Planning Calender and DCF in DBA Cockpit is using it), it might be stopped by getting out of space data or log segment of the sybmgmtdb.
- In many cases, the cause is that js_history and js_output tables that store the execution history and output are increased periodically.
- Typically, the data in these tables will be truncated by the threshold procedure "sp_js_history_thresh" on the "default" segment.
- This threshold is set to 10% of the initial size of sybmgmtdb.
- If the Job Scheduler has been executed, such as dbcc checkdb to output a lot of results, the threshold procedure may not work correctly.
- (ASE Errorlog)
server background task error 19099: Procedure sp_js_history_thresh, Warning the free data space threshold in database sybmgmtdb has been exceeded. Segment default has 947 free pages, attempting to create space by cleaning job history and output.
server background task error 19103: Procedure sp_js_history_thresh, History (rows): current 4423, target 3096. Output (rows): current 276576, target 138288. Free space (pages): current 947, target 1076.
server The transaction log in database sybmgmtdb is almost full. Your transaction is being suspended until space is made available in the log.
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE)
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) for Business Suite
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7 ; SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0
1105, Automatic Table Maintainance, SQL1105,"Error: 1105", sp_addthreshold, sp_modifythreshold, , KBA , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Problem
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