During the upgrade using software update manager(SUM), the tool stops in MAIN_NEWBAS/XPRAS_UPG phase with similar error,
Case 1:
3 EPU123 Post-import method "STREE_AFTER_IMPORT" completed for "SHI3" "L", date and time: "20160829110116"
2 EPU122XPost-import method "AFTER_IMP_FORM" started for "FORM" "L", date and time: "20160829110116"
3 EPU182 Post-processing for &2"FORM" &3"DECKRING" was already performed successfully earlier&1"R3TR"
3 EPU123 Post-import method "AFTER_IMP_FORM" completed for "FORM" "L", date and time: "20160829110116"
2 EPU122XPost-import method "G_RW_AFTER_IMPORT" started for "GRW_JOB" "T", date and time: "20160829110116"
1AETR012XProgram terminated (job: "RDDEXECL", no.: "11011600")
1AEPU320 See job log"RDDEXECL""11011600""M44"
1 ETP111 exit code : "12"
Case 2:
3 EPU123 Post-import method "FI_CUST_AFTER_IMPORT_FTXP" completed for "FTXP" "L", date and time: "20161223110046"
2 EPU122XPost-import method "G_GENERATE_CUST_AFTER_IMPORT" started for "V_001_B" "V", date and time: "20161223110046"
3 EPU182 Post-processing for &2"VDAT" &3"V_001_B" was already performed successfully earlier&1"R3TR"
3 EPU123 Post-import method "G_GENERATE_CUST_AFTER_IMPORT" completed for "V_001_B" "V", date and time: "20161223110046"
2 EPU122XPost-import method "G_RW_AFTER_IMPORT" started for "GRW_SET" "T", date and time: "20161223110046"
1AETR012XProgram terminated (job: "RDDEXECL", no.: "11004600")
1AEPU320 See job log"RDDEXECL""11004600""XEH"
If you check the Job logs for cancelled RDDEXECL job in SM37 you can find the below mentioned syntax error,
The dump can also be seen in ST22.
Upgrade using SUM tool
"BADI_RECA_ADDITIONAL_TEXT", not found, XPRAS, XPRA, BADI_RE_EX_SET_FIELD==========E, Type "BADI_RECA_BUSINESS_OBJECT" is unknown, BADI_RECA_BUSINESS_OBJECT, SAPLGSAC, The following syntax error occurred in program "SAPLGSAC " in include "BADI_RE_EX_SET_FIELD==========E ", "Type "BADI_RECA_BUSINESS_OBJECT" is unknown", SYNTAX_ERROR in program SAPLGSAC, The current ABAP program "CL_GRW_TRANSPORT_SET==========CP" had to be terminated , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , Problem
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