- A DataWindow that have two (image) large binary/ text database ole object-tableblob in a row return bad results.
- If the return of the "key clause" of the first line of the image does not return data the second will not be demonstrated even if the "key clause" returns an image.
- For example a correct behavior would be:
Create a DataWindow that returns a row, put two "create large binary / text database ole object-tableblob" within the band detail, referenced a table that exists binary images. In the first place a "key clause" pointing to a correct image code and the second to an incorrect code. In this case the second image will not appear because the image does not really exist.
- SAP PowerBuilder 12.5
- SAP PowerBuilder 12.6
- SAP SQL Anywhere 16.0
SAP PowerBuilder 12.5 ; SAP PowerBuilder 12.6 ; SAP SQL Anywhere 16.0
Blob data, binary large-object, CR800240, 800240, text object, retrieve, wrong resultset , KBA , BC-SYB-PB , PowerBuilder , Bug Filed
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