In the Health Surveillance Protocols and Recommendation Criteria, you try to add a new Health Surveillance Protocol and fill all the necessary data, but when you click Save you get the below error in the screen:
500 SAP Internal Server Error
ERROR: The current application has triggered a termination with a short dump. (termination: RABAX_STATE)
It also causes a short dump. In transaction ST22, you will find the following information:
Runtime Error MESSAGE_TYPE_X
ABAP Program /BOBF/CL_FRW==================CP
- Component Extension for SAP Environment, Health and Safety Management (SAP EHSM)
- SAP EHSM Release Independent
EHHSSHSPID, dump, protocol, /BOBF/CL_FRW==================CP, /BOBF/CL_FRW==================CM013, SET_APPLICATION_ERROR, risk, EHHSS_HSPROTOCOL, UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION, /BOBF/CX_FRW_FATAL, controls, Edit Recommendation Criteria for Health Surveillance Protocols, EHSM , KBA , EHS-MGM-RAS , Risk Assessment , Problem
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