- When you save after updating an application text, the information: "Message no. TD733: Text has been saved temporarily in the main memory" is displayed.
- In the past, the information displayed was: TD733 "Text was saved".
Some more detail on this message TD733
- Message No. TD733
- Diagnosis
You have saved a text for an application object. - System Response
The text is not yet stored in the text data base, but placed in a main storage area.
It is only possible to store the text together with the application object being processed (order, purchase order, ...). - Procedure
When you leave the text editor (menu option: Goto - Back, or Text - Exit), the text is also stored in the text data base when you save the application object. If you do not save the application object, the text is lost.
TD 733; MD04; CA10; , KBA , BC-SRV-SCR , SAPscript , Problem
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