- During installation of an SAP System based on SAP NetWeaver on a Linux / MaxDB platform the installation fails in the step "Run ABAP Reports" with the error: Unable to call function. Error message: SQL error SQL code: -10709 occurred while accessin .
- Further examination of the sapinst_dev log shows the following error below:
ERROR 2016-09-02 12:22:17.794 (root/sapinst) [CSiStepExecute.cpp:1106] id=controller.stepExecuted errno=FCO-00011
The step runRUTCSADAPT with step key |NW_ABAP_OneHost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|onehost|0|NW_CI_Instance|ind|ind|ind|ind|ci|0|nw_ci_instance_abap_reports|ind|ind|ind|ind|abapReports|0|runRUTCSADAPT was executed with status ERROR ( Last error reported by the step: Unable to call function. Error message: SQL error SQL code: -10709 occurred while accessin .).
- Traversing further back into the log you should then see the actual cause of the error, a failure to call a report by RFC.
TRACE 2016-09-02 12:21:57.268 (root/sapinst) [CAbRfc.cpp:997] CAbRfc::performFunctionCall
Calling function module: INST_EXECUTE_REPORT
ERROR 2016-09-02 12:22:17.575 (root/sapinst) [CAbRfc.cpp:1028] id=rfclib.rfcFunction.callFunctionModuleFailed errno=FRF-00025 CAbRfc::performFunctionCall
Unable to call function. Error message: SQL error SQL code: -10709 occurred while accessin .
TRACE 2016-09-02 12:22:17.575 (root/sapinst) [CAbRfc.cpp:1029] CAbRfc::performFunctionCall
RFC failure or system exception raised
- The actual cause of failure will be recorded in the developer trace for the work process which was attempting to call the report via RFC. This will normally be Work Process 0 as such we would examine the log dev_w0 from the work directory of the PAS.
- Specifically we search the log for the string "-10709" as well as performing a count of the occurrences of the string. In this case we found 128 records of the string in the work process log with entries similar to below:
A Fri Sep 2 16:19:05 2016
A *GENER* starting inline generation: RADVIDEP (reason: already local generations within LUW).
A *GENER* got lock for program RADVIDEP.
C INFO : SQLOPT= -I 0 -t 0 -S SAPR3
C Try to connect (SERVICE) on connection 1 ...
C *** ERROR => Connect to database failed, rc = -10709 (Connection failed (RTE:[1] cannot create communication semaphore))
[dbmaxsql.cpp 514]
C {root-id=00000108000001A2000000000302FFFF}_{conn-id=00000000000000000000000000000000}_0
B ***LOG BYM=> severe DB error -10709; work process in reconnect status [dbsh 1190]
B ***LOG BY4=> sql error -10709 performing DEL on table DDFTX [dbdbslst 4778]
B ***LOG BY0=> Connection failed (RTE:[1] cannot create communication semaphore) [dbdbslst 4778]
A *GENER* starting inline generation: CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB=============CP (reason: already local generations within LUW).
A *GENER* got lock for program CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB=============CP.
KBA , BC-INS-UNX , Installation Unix , Problem
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