- You are using process monitoring and you use SAPHostagent 721 patch 16. Saposcol crashes / terminates shortly after starting.
- In the dev_coll trace file the last entries are for process monitoring (dev_coll is in AL11 directory DIR_PERF):
- LOG: The following processes will be monitored:
- In the dev_saphostexec trace file the kernel release is 721 with patch number 16 (dev_saphostexec is in AL11 directory DIR_SAPHOSTAGENT > work). E.g.:
- SAPHOSTAGENT information
kernel release 721
kernel make variant 721_REL
compiled on NT 6.1 7601 S x86 MS VC++ 14.00 for NTAMD64
compiled for 64 BIT
compilation mode Non-Unicode
compile time Jul 3 2016 15:31:46
patch number 16
SAP NetWeaver release independent
SAP NetWeaver all versions
process monitoring, Saposcol crashes, Saposcol terminates, , KBA , BC-CCM-MON-OS , Operating System Monitoring Tool , Problem
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