When using OLAP ODBC connection (local) in EPM Add-in.
Displaying the property of a dimension member using the EPMMemberProperty([description]):
- a company is in the hierarchy more than once due to re-organization; in this case the description is identical, but the key is NOT (example: “123L” “Company A”, “123L-02” “Company A”)
- a company is included in more than one hierarchy (including “All”) and therefore appears at least twice in the list; in this case the description is identical as well as the key, but as the key is identical it has to be the same element.
In both cases, the function EPMMemberProperty() returns message “# AmbiguousMemberDescription”
- SAP EPM Add-in 10.0
- Local Connection
KBA , EPM-XLS , EPM Excel Client , EPM-BPC-NW , NetWeaver Version , EPM-BPC-MS , Microsoft Version , Problem
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