The error has been observed during an SAP system upgrade with SUM on IBM i, in phase MAIN_SHDIMP/SUBMOD_SHDIMP/SHADOW_IMPORT_INC
It has also been observed while running SGEN on an SAP system.
1) During the upgrade phase you will see the errors below
- sql error -901 performing INS on table REPOSRC?
- sql error: -901 SQL0901 - SQL system error. (961862/SAPADM/R3TRANS)
- SQL0901 - SQL system error. (961862/SAPADM/R3TRANS)
In the joblog (DSPJOBLOG 961862/SAPADM/R3TRANS in this example), you can find error code MCH3203 before the SQL0901.
- MCH3203 Function error X'1716' in machine instruction. Internal dump identifier
2) While running SGEN, you will see the error related to table REPOLOAD
- sql error -901 performing INS on table REPOLOAD
You will also find the MCH3203 error code in the joblog of the work process
AS400, OS400, iSeries, System i , KBA , BC-INS-AS4 , Installation and Upgrade AS/400 , BC-OP-AS4 , IBM AS/400 , BC-DB-DB4 , DB2 for AS/400 , Problem
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