- The SAP Event Stream Processor (ESP) project is using the Socket Input Adapter (e.g. Socket CSV Input Adapter, Socket XML Input Adapter) in Managed Mode.
- The adapter successfully obtains data from a third party source and publishes it into the ESP project.
- The adapter's state is CONTINUOUS, indicating that the adapter is running successfully.
- When the adapter detects that the socket connection fails, the adapter's state changes to DEAD, as expected.
- However, when the adapter should detect that the socket connection is available, the adapter's state unexpectedly remains DEAD.
- The expectation is that the adapter would automatically retry to detect that socket is again available/detectable, so that it would resume obtaining and publishing the data to ESP.
- Instead, the adapter remains in the DEAD state.
- Setting the "retry" property to 30 seconds and "keepalive" to TRUE does not change the way the adapter behaves.
- Setting "keepalive" to FALSE also does not change the way the adapter behaves.
- The only way to cause the adapter to resume operation is to restart the ESP project or to restart the adapter.
- How to configure the Socket CSV Input Adapter to automatically restore the state back to CONTINUOUS, without manual intervention?
SAP Event Stream Processor (ESP) 5.1
SAP Event Stream Processor 5.1
streaming, processing, ESP , KBA , BC-SYB-ESP , Sybase ESP (Event Stream Processor) , How To
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