- You want to configure roles and actions required to run archiving job properly
- You want to know how much time and memory resources archiving job will take
- You want to slow down the rapid growth of BPM log tables
- You want to improve the performance of BPM archiving jobs
- You want to delete old BPM archives from XML DAS storage
Process Data Archiving is an important part of the BPM Processes lifecycle.
Archiving improves the overall performance of the system and reduces the DB size.
You can use the bpm_proc_write archiving job or the bpm_delete_only delete job (available as of SAP NetWeaver 7.31 SPS11) for process instances that are no longer needed.
We recommend you to schedule regular archiving jobs for old process instances and execute them on a daily basis at a specified time.
- Preferably, you should run the jobs during the quiet times of the day since archiving performs DB intensive operations. For more information on the guidelines for creating archive collections, see the following SAP Community Blog: SAP Process Orchestration: Process Archiving. In addition, you can see: Starting an Archiving Session, Scheduling Archiving and Starting the Parallel Archiving Session
- If you have for example a million of processes to archived, please use the completed from and completed to and set, this will avoid OOM issues when setting the completion period (days).
- SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java
- SAP NetWeaver Business Process Management
archiving, bpm, business process management, processes, tasks, oom, system administration, bpm system overview, cockpit, BC_XMLA_RES too big, delete archive job, delete bpm archive collections , KBA , BC-BMT-BPM-SRV , Process Server , BC-BMT-BPM-MON , Process Monitoring , How To
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