A need to understand how to customize the ICMS Partilha solution in SAP's Brazil Localization transaction code J1BTAX.
Based on government's NT2015.003 (ICMS Interestadual), this KBA presents the customizing reference for ITEMS 1,2,3 and 4 via dynamic exceptions.
This KBA contains the following Resolution Sections:
- Section A. First Situation - Operations subject to 7% Interstadual ICMS rate (Page 23 of NT2015.003)
Section A.1 - Item 1
Section A.2 - Item 2
Section A.3 - Item 3
Section A.4 - Item 4 - Section B. Second Situation - Operations subject to 12% Interstadual ICMS rate (Page 24 of NT2015.003)
Section B.1 - Item 1
Section B.2 - Item 2
Section B.3 - Item 3
Section B.4 - Item 4 - Section C. The FCP Customizing and how it affects the Partilha Calculation
EC87, FCP, bx90, bx91, bx92, bx93, bx94, bx95, ICAP, ICEP, ICSP, how to, ICMS, partilha, j1btax, consulting, Brazil, Brasil, nt003, Fundo de Combate à Pobreza , KBA , XX-CSC-BR-SD , Use FI-LOC-SD-BR , XX-CSC-BR-NFE , Use FI-LOC-NFE-BR-OUT , How To
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