On accessing a particular page in the Portal which has more than two Iviews or which is having more than two pages under its hierarchy, its not showing the desired iview/page.
By default it displays the first node of the object that is accessed.
- EP Release Independent
- SAP NetWeaver
- SAP Composition Environment
Enterprise Portal 7.0, EP 7.0, Enterprise Portal 7.01, EP 7.01, Enterprise Portal 7.02, EP 7.02, Enterprise Portal 7.03, EP 7.03, Enterprise Portal 7.1, EP 7.1, Enterprise Portal 7.2, EP 7.2, Enterprise Portal 7.30, EP 7.30, Enterprise Portal 7.31, EP 7.31, Enterprise Portal 7.40, EP 7.4, Enterprise Portal 7.50, EP 7.5, Clicking Folder Name Launches First Node, page property, Default Entry for Folder, iview, focus, node, launch , KBA , EP-PIN-NAV , Navigation , BC-PIN-PCD , PCD Generic Layer Services , Problem
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