When transfering user data from SAP to SFSF via SAP API, the documents are not getting routed to the new manager.
- Integration Add-On for SAP ERP HCM and SuccessFactors HCM Suite
When data is upserted via APIs, there are a certain set of parameters that you need to pass in order for the documents to be routed automatically.
The parameters that need to be passed are as follows:
To route the forms to new manager in case of Direct Manager Transfer
Parameters: managerTransfer, routeInboxDoc and routeEnRouteDoc are to be set to 'true'.
To route the forms to new manager in case of Matrix Manager Transfer
Parameters: matrixManagerTransfer, routeEnRouteDocToMatrixManager and routeInboxDocToMatrixManager are to be set to 'true'.
Steps to Implement the solution
These can be set in the ERP system by navigating to transaction SE18 and following below steps:
- Select Badi name and give value: HRSFI_B_SFSF_API_PARAMETER
- Select Implementations branch and there, right mouse click > Create BAdI Implementation
- In your custom implementation, go to method IF_HRSFI_SFSF_API_PARAMETER~PROVIDE and enter the code to set your parameters. You may refer to example class
See Also
JB Article 2078831 - Routing - Troubleshooting Document Transfer Options - Performance Management
Performance, Forms, Not Routing, Indirect Supervisor, Manager, Managers, Transfer, API, Document, PM , KBA , PA-SFI-TM , Integration with SuccessFactors BizX Talent Management , LOD-SF-INT , Integrations , Problem