During a migration to S/4 HANA Finance you receive an Out Of Memory dump on the MUJ step.
When checking the [MEMORY_OOM] section of the Out Of Memory dump we can see the following:
The top exclusive allocator will be:
Pool/JoinEvaluator/JECalculate/Results - This allocator suggests that a particular SQL has been ran that has consumed a large amount of memory and prohibits the migration from progressing to the next stage.
You can find the particular query by checking the [THREADS] section of the OOM dump.
In the [THREADS] section the first thing to do is to look for any statement which generated a large query plan. The query plan can be a very good indicator to which statement caused the issue. In the OOM file the problem query should be easily indentified, because the query plan will be large.
The beginning of the problem query should look similar to this:
SAP HANA Database 1.0
KBA , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , FIN-MIG , SAP Simple Finance data migration , Problem
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