Import runs of Social Media Channels are not consistent. You are receiving frequent error notification from import run of all the Social Media channels (Twitter/Facebook). The Channels are not blocked but pattern of runs are inconsistent for all the channels. For every channel, there are multiple failed logs available.
SAP Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Administrator work center.
- Go to the Service and Social view.
- Open Social Media Channels.
- Select Facebook/Twitter channel.
- Open different logs of the channel.
- In some logs you find error message: 'The external service provider 'The external service provider 'XYZ' reported the following error: 400:message#(#2) Service temporarily unavailable#type#"OAuthException","is_transient"true,"code"2,"fbtrace_id""XXYYZZAABBCC"'.'.
The error message is triggered by Facebook/Twitter to indicate that the API service is temporarily not available.
The import runs will import all the messages/posts once the Social Media (Facebook/Twitter) API service is available.
Social Media, Facebook, Twitter, Error , KBA , LOD-CRM-SC-SM , Social Media , Problem