Restore incremental backup failed with error message:
"Database has changed since last restore"
In iqmsg file:
I. 09/29 09:28:30. 0000000005 ValidateRestore_2
I. 09/29 09:28:30. 0000000005 Exception Thrown from dblib\db_backupID.cxx:682, Err# 195, tid 25 origtid 25
I. 09/29 09:28:30. 0000000005 O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 4098 (db_sqlexception); SQLCode: -1012008, SQLState: 'QUA08', Severity: 14
I. 09/29 09:28:30. 0000000005 [20931]: Database has changed since last restore.
In utility server srvlog:
I. 09/09 16:20:19. Starting database "a_restore" (c:\usr\sap\BX2\SAPIQ\database\SAPIQ.db) at Fri Sep 09 2016 16:20
I. 09/09 16:20:19. Performance warning: Database file "c:\usr\sap\BX2\SAPIQ\database\SAPIQ.db" consists of 120 disk fragments
E. 09/09 16:20:51. Error: Modifications of the iq main store not allowed in readonly mode.
-- (stcxtlib\st_database.cxx 5503)
SAP Sybase IQ
sybase, restore, incremental, iqro, -1012008, readonly , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem
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