In onboarding panel the bizx picklist gets reset after the file is uploded in the same panel.
This is known behavior of Bizx Picklist.
If you have bizx picklist and file upload field in same panel then uploading the file in the panel will cause the panel to reload which results in picklist reset.
1. You can use onboarding lookup field instead of bizx picklist.
2. If in panel designer, for bizx picklist field, you can set 'Show empty item' to No then the picklist will always default to the first value in the drop down list, and will not reset after upload but instead show the first value.
3. You can also make the picklist as required field to ensure that users will enter the value and not leave it blank after the file is uploaded and before they proceed to next panel.
4. You could also try to add the picklist fields after the file upload fields in the panel so that the users will complete the upload first and then select the picklist value.
KBA , LOD-SF-OBD , Onboarding , Problem
SAP SuccessFactors HCM Core 1608