The following errors can appear in the 'Approve Purchase Requisitions' or the 'Change Maintenance Plan' apps:
- "The field PRICE_UNIT is customised as Hidden mode"
- "The field matl_group is customised as Hidden mode"
- "The field COST_ELEMENT is customised as Hidden mode"
- "Cannot process task. For more information, see the details" and in the details: "RFC call was not successful because of system failure 'Access using a 'ZERO' object reference is not possible.'"
- SAP Fiori
- SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA
FIORI, LAUNCHPAD, APP, TECHNICAL, CL_GBAPP_APV_PR_API, Approve Purchase Requisition, requisitions, RFC, Zero, price unit, ECC, SRV007, SRV 007, COST ELEMENT, material group, customised, Hidden, mode, , KBA , MM-FIO-SRV , Fiori UI for Services Management , MM-SRV , Services Management , PM-WOC , Maintenance Order Management , EP-PCT-MAN-MW , BP for Maintenance Worker , MM-FIO-PUR-REL , Fiori UI for Purchasing Approval , Problem
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