After selecting items to be cleared, there is some "non-assigned difference". To charge off such a difference, some other account is used, with some "amount" to balance the posting to zero. This amount can be entered in two ways:
- Manually (explicit entry) or
- Using asterisk (*) symbol
The final posting is different, depending on if entering the amount manually (Exchange Rate Differences posted), or if entering an asterisk (No ERD).
"Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental."
- SAP R/3
- SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP
- SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
- SAP S/4HANA Finance
Additional currencies. Clearing in local currency. STERN_BETRG, star, asterisk, MF05AI10_STERN_BETRG, CONVERT_TO_LOCAL_CURRENCY, No exchange rate differences during clearing, automatic posting, Clear G/L Account, F-03, LC, OB08 [TCURR], EWCT Currency Test Converter, BKPF-KURSF, BKPF-KURS2, BKPF-KURS3, BSEG-WRBTR, BSEG-DMBTR, BSEG-DMBE2, BSEG-PSWSL, BSEG-PSWBT, BSEG-HWMET, KTOSL, FB1S, FB05, FBZ1, FBZ2, FB1K, FB1D, FB1S, KDFTAB, BSEG, POSTAB, DMEFF, BKPF, KURSF, KURS2, KURS3, EFFTAB, UKURS, OB08, OB22, KDFTAB_ABARBEITEN, SAPMF05A, SAPLF036, KDFTAB_TEILBEARBEITUNG, HWAER, HWAE2, HWAE3, WAERS, HWMET, Exchange Rate Dif.: Open Items/GL Acct, FWA Exchange rate differences, KDF, OBA1, Differences arising on G/L acct clearing, F5563 Check the amounts in the other currencies, F5063 "Ex.rate diff.accts are incomplete for account", FI-AP-AP-A, FI-AR-AR-A, FI-GL-GL-A , KBA , FI-GL-GL-A , Posting/Clearing , FI-AR-AR-A , Posting/Clearing/Special General Ledger , FI-AP-AP-A , Posting/Clearing/Special General Ledger , How To
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