- Getting "max num of connections reached" due to pushing data to a mobile user
- See sample error 1 below:
Failed to establish connection to terminal
Maximum number of permitted terminal connections reached ( 2000)l
~~~~~~~~~End of Error~~~~~~~~~ - See sample error 2 below:
~~~~~~~~~Error - events.log~~~~~
07/05/2016 05:25:11, 1, 20, 18, Thr 4372, WorkOrderPushForEventSteplet: steplet execution failed
07/05/2016 05:25:13, 1, 20, 18, Thr 3168, com.syclo.agentry.AgentryException: 05.07.2016 05:25:12 - /SYCLO/CX_CORE_MDW_SESSION:Error saving /SYCLO/MDW01 Failed to lock session 4D202C5E58A31EE690CD05A20C92867C. Locked by user WM_SERVICE
07/05/2016 05:25:14, 1, 20, 18, Thr 8544, com.syclo.agentry.AgentryException: 05.07.2016 05:25:13 - /SYCLO/CX_CORE_MDW_SESSION:Error saving /SYCLO/MDW01 Failed to lock session 4D202C5E58A31EE690CD05A20C92867C. Locked by user WM_SERVICE
~~~~~~~~~end~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Question 1: The server got an error max connections exceeded
- Setup default to 200 then to 400 then to 2000 (connection settings on the SMP server)
- Why are the connection getting maximized when the backend system created a load of 1600 orders in Production even if there are 4 SMP servers?
- Do these push request do not get load balanced across the 4 servers?
- Question 2: What if the production system has around 2500 jobs and were dispatch by Click (software) and
- SAP ECC is load balanced with 3 application servers which connects to 4 load balanced SMP servers and
- Today we received ECC maximum connections exceeded by 2000 on only 1 app server so when SAP ECC tried to send more than 2000 jobs and made more than 2000 connections to SMP for the pushed jobs, the maximum connections were exceeded
- But having configured 3 ECC application servers, these should have load balanced correct?
- Question 3: If we have 2000 orders updated in the ECC ERP backend and these orders are added to the Push Table (Exchange), is the Push table processed by one ECC instance (if there are multiples of them)?
- The assumption is that the Push table is populated by the Save WO Event but the Push tables is processed as a batch of Push Entries
- Question 4: If we dispatch 2000 orders at once, hence 2000 orders will create 2000 Push messages (2000 ECC Connections in one ECC Server) to each of the SMP servers (2000 SMP Connection per SMP Server), at this point the number of connections on each of the SMP servers will be exceeded. This would explain the max connections being reached on both the ECC and SMP servers, is this true?
- SAP Work Manager 6.2.0
- SAP Mobile Platform 3.0 SP10
- 4 production clustered SMP 3.0 nodes connecting to a load balancer
SAP ERP 6.0 ; SAP Mobile Platform 3.0 ; SAP Work Manager 6.2.0
"max num of connections reached", "Maximum number of permitted terminal connections reached ( 2000)l", "Failed to establish connection to terminal" , KBA , MOB-APP-MAO-ERP , S4MERP/SMERP-Mobile Add-On integration to S4/ERP , Problem
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