When loading a hierarchy text or description using /CPMB/IMPORT_IOBJ_MASTER process chain in Data Manager, the multiple languages selected under "Language" tab will be ignored and only the default or first language will be applied.
Selecting a single language from the list will load the text accordingly.
- SAP Business Planning and Consolidation (BPC) version 10 and 10.1 for NetWeaver (NW) platform.
- EPM Add-in for Microsoft Office.
Hierarchy languages, second language, description not updated, /CPMB/IMPORT_IOBJ_MASTER, BPC 10 NW, Data manager package, load text nodes from BW InfoObject, dimension description. multi languages, EPM Add-in, BPC 10.1 NW. , KBA , EPM-BPC-NW-DM-RUN , Package Execution , EPM-BPC-NW , NetWeaver Version , Problem
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