This SAP Knowledge Base Article aims to clarify recurrent questions about the usage of NF-e Incoming Automation solution in Brazil and the current supported scenarios.
We intend to maintain this KBA updated with new SAP Notes, hints, further questions and other changes regarding this solution.
For each specific question, you can find hints and more information about how to handle it.
We also invite you to check out the SAP Note 2525257 - Localization Latin America, to keep updated on overall Localization Latin America topics and solutions.
For specific information about Incoming Automation, with NF-e 4.0 refer to the following KBA 2623045 - NF-e 4.00 Incoming Automation Scenarios.
Before opening a case in the FI-LOC-NFE-BR-IN component (which is the new component of XX-CSC-BR-NFEIN), make sure that you have read the KBA 1860512 - How to open a NF-e Incoming Automation case.
Date | Last information updated |
October 17th, 2024 | Topic AT added |
- A - Simples Nacional
- B - Consignment
- C - Multiple XML positions
- D - Future Delivery
- E - Mixed Scenario
- F - Convênio 100
- G - Scenario with PIS/COFINS
- H - Stock Transfer Order (STO)
- I - Purchase Orders for all scenarios
- J - Normal Purchase Order
- K - Conhecimento de Transporte Eletrônico - CT-e
- L - Several CT-es posted against the same service entry sheet
- M - Industry Specific Scenarios
- N - Manual Postings in ERP with GRC NF-e Inbound Automation
- O - PIS, COFINS, ICMS and ST with Base Reduction
- P - Nota Fiscal with field Series 0 (zero)
- Q - Account Assignment Category
- R - Receiving Main Item Composed by Other Items
- S - Material Origin Divergent between XML and PO. It Generates Incorrect Calculation in Simulation Step or Post Invoice Step
- T - Nota Fiscal Complementar
- U - Delivery Split
- V - Purchase Order with Free-Text Material
- W - Verify CPF x CNPJ during NFe Creation
- X - Duplicata Validation
- Y - Multiple NF-es to the same PO
- Z - Repost a Nota Fiscal via Incoming Automation
- AA - Moving Average Price
- AB - Handling Units
- AC - Nota Fiscal Conjugada
- AD - NFS-e
- AE - Assign one XML item to multiple PO items
- AF - TM - Transportation management
- AG - WM Solution with Incoming Automation
- AH - ICMS Desonerado supported scenarios
- AI - Recipient's CNPJ differs from Business Place's CNPJ
- AJ - DIFAL Calculation in incoming automation
- AK - Scenarios with ICMS CST 51, IPI CST 51 and ICMS CST 60
- AL - Scenarios with Planned Freight
- AM - Scenarios with error FS 217 'No taxes on sales/purch.are allowed for account'
- AN - Scenarios where it is not checked the Vendor-Specific Tolerances configuration in transaction code OMRX
- AO - NF3-e
- AP - Tax Service
- AQ - Scenarios with Monophasic ICMS for Fuels
- AR - Scenarios with currency different than Brazilian Real (BRL)
- AS - Scenarios where the Goods Receipt quantity is greater than the Nota Fiscal XML quantity
- AT - NFA-e
- Localization Brazil
- Country/region-specific Developments
- SAP ERP 6.0
- SAP ERP Central Component 6.0
- SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition
- SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP
- SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
faq, sap, incoming, inbound, automation, NFEIN , NFE-IN, grc, NF-e, NFe, supported, processes, scenarios, automação, entrada, processos, cenários, suportados, overview, how-to scenarios, Brazil, Brasil, localization, localização , KBA , faq , sap , incoming , inbound , automation , nfein , nfe-in , nf-e , nfe , supported , processes , scenarios , automação , entrada , cenários , processos , suportados , overview , how-to scenarios , brazil , localization , localização , brasil , FI-LOC-NFE-BR-IN , GRC NF-e Inbound Automation , XX-CSC-BR-MM , Use FI-LOC-MM-BR , FI-LOC-MM-BR , Brazil , XX-CSC-BR-NFEIN , Use FI-LOC-NFE-BR-IN , Bug Filed
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