- “Increase the config parameter 'number of open objects' ” messages are reported in the ASE errorlog.
- The number of 'Used' open objects is steadily growing per sp_monitorconfig reports.
- Running command sp_countmetadata 'open objects' returns a (much) smaller number than number of objects in use:
There are 8376 user objects in all database(s), requiring 148314 Kbytes of memory. The 'open objects' configuration parameter is currently set to 50000.
- While sp_monitorconfig "number of open objects" output shows most or all objects used up and a value > 0 in Reuse_cnt column:
Name Num_free Num_active Pct_act Max_Used Reuse_cnt
------------------------------- ------------- ---------------- ----------- --------------- ---------------
number of open objects 3 49997 100 50000 12589
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE). Not version specific.
"number of open object" , "open objects" , "open object" , Reuse_cnt , sp_monitorconfig , statement cache , enable literal autoparam , light weight procedures , LWP, reuse sql statements, object descriptor, release open objects, disconnect connections , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Problem
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