SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2375985 - How to share Lumira custom palette between clients?


  • How to set default Lumira custom palette between clients?
  • How to share Lumira custom palette between clients?
  • If created a custom palette in one Lumira client, How can we share this palette to others?


  • Lumira Desktop 1.31


  1. Create custom palette in one Lumira Desktop.
  2. Quit Lumira Desktop.
  3. Open "general.persistent" file (path C:\Users\<userID>\.sapvi\preferences\general.persistent), find the related lines to the custom palette.
    My example is
    <void property="colorPalette">
    <string>{&quot;Dimension&quot;:[{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;AA&quot;,&quot;colors&quot;:[&quot;#c96767&quot;,&quot;#6e1a1a&quot;,&quot;#181233&quot;,&quot;#5b4b99&quot;,&quot;#cf4848&quot;,&quot;#f05b5b&quot;,&quot;#6b3434&quot;,&quot;#ab3333&quot;,&quot;#ad1f1f&quot;]}]} </string>
    In above example, my custom palette is named as "AA".
  4. Only copy and paste above line in to the related line in end user's "general.persistent file".
    (Note: Before changing "general.persistent" file, backup is recomended.)
  5. Launch end user Lumira Desktop, you will see the palette is added.


Palette template, default setting, customize , KBA , BI-LUM-DIS , Lumira Desktop/Discovery , How To


SAP Lumira, desktop edition 1.0