1. You can observe poor performance in Data Hub, for example it takes a lot of minutes to process one order being sent from Commerce to ERP.
2. You can see in the database that records for one publication (TargetItem table) are created in batches and the amount of time between these batches is huge (over a dozen or several dozens of minutes).
3. You can observe OutOfMemory exception thrown.
Data Hub 5.3
Data Hub 5.4
Data Hub 5.5
Data Hub 5.5.1
Data Hub 5.6
Data Hub 5.7
Data Hub 6.0
Data Hub 6.1
SAP Hybris Commerce, data hub, basic edition for outbound OEM 5.6 ; SAP Hybris Commerce, data hub, basic edition for outbound OEM 5.7 ; SAP Hybris Commerce, data hub, basic edition for outbound OEM 6.0
KBA , CEC-SCC-INT-HUB , Data Hub , Problem
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