Customer would like to know why some items are not shown on the Front user UI but it is shown on the Admin User side.
- Learning Management System (LMS)
Reproducing the Issue
Admin Side:
1. Go to users
2. Search for user XXXX
3. Go to Assigned Items
4. Review Items
5. Item missing it is on a Curricula
User Side
1. Go to My learning Assignments
2. Item is missing
User hide the curricula Item due it is optional and can be available to be hidden by user.
To Unhide the item on User side:
1. Click on Curricula
2. Select the curricula that contains the item
3. See the item on the curricula
4. Click on the icon "V" on the right side
5. Pop up : Show On Learning Plan
6. Click on it and the item will be on My Learning Assignments again
- Curricula item hidden in user side
- item hide on curricula user side
- Curricula Item on Front User UI not shown