SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2376899 - Boomi Error on LOCAL atoms: Unable to instantiate driver class com.mysql.jdbc.Driver, please make sure the appropriate jar files are loaded


When creating a new database connection and trying to set up connection to a view in Boomi using a LOCAL atom and you receive below error:

Unexpected error executing process: com.boomi.connector.ConnectorException: Unable to instantiate driver class com.mysql.jdbc.Driver, please make sure the appropriate jar files are loaded


Boomi Platform


This is caused when connecting to a different database other than Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle.


To resolve the error:

  • Obtain the appropriate JDBC driver
  • Copy it to the ..\<Atom root>\lib directory
  • Restart the Local Atom.
  • If the userlib/database directory does not exist, you must create it then restart the Local Atom.


My SQL Jar Files My SQL JDBC Driver , KBA , LOD-SF-INT-BPI , Dell & Boomi Infrastructure , LOD-SF-INT , Integrations , Problem


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