You are not able to select the Payment Terms from the drop down list in an Invoice Request or a Down Payment Invoice Request.
Reproducing the Issue
We will use the example of a Down Payment Invoice Request:
- Go to the Customer Invoicing work center.
- Select the Invoice Requests view.
- Open down payment invoice request ABC via the Edit button (ABC represents the ID of the down payment invoice request).
- In the Payment Terms field click on the value help
- The system displays the following: No items found
The instance of the cash discount terms is created when an invoice request is created. Since the instance is created the required code values are retrieved and displayed in the User Interface (UI).
In the case of Down Payment Invoice Request ABC you manually deleted the value from the Payment Terms and saved the invoice request. Due to this the instance is deleted and when you try to edit the invoice request no values are displayed in the drop down list for the Payment Terms.
To overcome this issue, you have to enter manually a payment term e.g. 30 days net and hit the enter key on your keyboard. This will create an instance of the required cash discount terms in the system therby retrieving the code values. When you then click on the drop down again you can see that the Payment Terms are now displayed.
KBA , AP-CI , Customer Invoice Processing , How To