OData API calls such as '/odatav4/public/admin/scheduledoffering-service/v1/EnrollmentListings' only return a maximum of 10 records although
SuccessFactors Learning Management System (LMS)
Reproducing the Issue
- Get your admin token
- Setup the API with the admin token
- Do a basic call such as https://{LMS-URL}/learning/odatav4/public/admin/scheduledoffering-service/v1/EnrollmentListings?$filter=criteria/scheduleID eq 897129001
- Only 10 enrollments will be returned
Only returning 10 is as designed.
Only returning 10 is as designed, thus the API call needs to be modified.
A parameter of $top needs to be added as shown in the screenshot. $top = n where n is the amount of users that need to be pulled. "n" can be larger than the amount of users enrolled.
For more information on pagination please see the Learning OData API Reference Guide
Please note you must login to access this guide.
OData API, enrollment, token, OData, EnrollmentListings top list return data enough not more fetch results limit increase , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-ODA , Web Services OData , How To