The update of the kernel of SAP system to 722_EXT was successful, but SystemLog (transaction SM21) was showing the following error message after the first system restart:
UP1 <WP> <Client> <User> R2 B No memory for VBCT
UP1 <WP> <Client> <User> D0 1 Transaction Canceled 00 606 ( )
The developer trace of the UP1 WP shows the error messages below:
M *** ERROR => ThVBSContext2: wrong update parameter vbphase (?) [thxxvb.c 4610]
M {root-id=56CEFF97CFBDD3E7E10080000A2DF064}_{conn-id=00000000000000000000000000000000}_0
M ***LOG R2B=> ThVBSParam, ThVBSContext2 (VBCT) [thxxvb.c 4400]
M *** ERROR => ThVBSContext2: bad vbrc 8, return [thxxvb.c 4575]
M {root-id=56CEFF97CFBDD3E7E10080000A2DF064}_{conn-id=00000000000000000000000000000000}_0
M *** ERROR => ThVBEnd: update control area not set [thxxvb.c 2861]
M {root-id=56CEFF97CFBDD3E7E10080000A2DF064}_{conn-id=00000000000000000000000000000000}_0
SAP NetWeaver
ThVBSContext2, ThVBEnd, Update, VBCT, Memory, vbphase, R2 B , KBA , BC-CST-UP , Update , Problem
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