You would like to archive some Business Documents (for example Freight Orders) with the relevant archiving report (for example report /SCMTMS/ARCH_TOR_PRE).
However no documents are archived with the report and the following error is displayed:
No data selected with query 'QU_FOR_CHECK_ARCHIVABILITY' for business object type '/SCMTMS/TOR'
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
- SAP Transportation Management 9.x
- S/4HANA embedded TM 1709+
archive, archiving, QU_FOR_CHECK_ARCHIVABILITY, /SCMTMS/ARCH_TOR_PRE, completed, canceled, residence period, forwarding settlement, freight settlement, agreement, calculation sheet, rate table, scale, freight order management, forwarding order management, transportation allocation, business share, waybill stock, TM-FWS, TM-FRS, TM-MD-CM-AG, TM-MD-CM-CS, TM-MS-CM-RA, TM-MD-CM-SC, TM-FRM, TM-FWM, TM-PLN-TAL, TM-PLN-CS-BS, TM-MD-WB, /BOFU/ARCH 010 , KBA , TM-FRM , Freight Order Management , TM-FRS , Freight Settlement , TM-FWM , Forwarding Order Management , TM-FWS , Forwarding Settlement , TM-MD-WB , Waybill Stock , TM-FRA , Freight Agreement Management , TM-MD-CM-CS , Calculation Sheets , TM-MD-CM-RA , Rates , TM-MD-CM-SC , Scales , TM-PLN-TAL , Transportation Allocation , Problem
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