- sap_failover failed at Task Nmber 6.
- sap_status task show the following output:
host1 7001..1> sap_status task
host1 7001..2> go
---------- ----------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Status Start Time Thu Oct 13 13:10:26 PDT 2016
Status Elapsed Time 00:02:08
Failover Task Name Failover
Failover Task State Error
Failover Short Description Failover makes the current standby ASE as the primary server.
Failover Long Description Reverting ASE HADR back to active for the source ASE '' because timeout occurred waiting for the end of data marker.
Failover Failing Command Error Message Timeout occurred waiting for the end of data marker for database 'master' to be received.
Failover Corrective Action Log into the AE1_ASE1 Replication Server and verify DSI connection 'AE1_ASE1.master' has a state of 'Awaiting Message'.
Failover Current Task Number 6
Failover Total Number of Tasks 19
Failover Task Start Thu Oct 13 13:10:26 PDT 2016
Failover Task End Thu Oct 13 13:12:34 PDT 2016
Failover Hostname host1
ASE 16 SP02 PL04 and All versions with HADR option
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0 ; SAP Replication Server 16.0
sap_failover, dsi_rs_ticket_report , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , BC-SYB-REP-SAP , Replication with SAP Suite / SAP BW , Problem
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