Usually a Homogeneous system copy requires that both of DB and OS remain the same in the source system and target system.
If either OS, or DB, or both OS/DB in the target system differ from the OS/DB of the source system, a Heterogeneous system copy is needed.
You are planning to perform system copy for below scenarios, however you are not sure whether it can be done as "Homogeneous system copy" or "Heterogeneous system copy".
1. Change OS from SUSE Linux x86_64 to RedHat Linux x86_64 (or vice versa)
2. Change OS from AIX to HP-UX or Solaris (or vice versa)
3. Change OS from Unix to Linux (or vice versa)
4. Change Windows version
All products base on SAP Netweaver
Homogeneous, Heterogeneous, system copy, Unix, Linux, SUSE, Redhat, Windows upgrade, SWPM , KBA , BC-INS-MIG , OS/DB Migrations with SWPM and DB refresh , How To
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