What is Flexible and InFlexible memory in the Large Memory area?
> sp_iqstatus
' IQ large memory space:','2048Mb'
' IQ large memory flexible percentage:','50'
' IQ large memory flexible used:','0Mb'
' IQ large memory inflexible percentage:','90'
' IQ large memory inflexible used:','0Mb'
' IQ large memory anti-starvation percentage:','50'
> sp_iqsysmon '00:00:05', 'lma'
sp_iqsysmon start_monitor,'filemode' , '-section lma' / sp_iqsysmon stop_monitor
'Large Memory Allocator','','','','','','','','',''..
'Large Memory Space ','2048 MB','..
'Large Memory Max Flexible ','512 MB','..
'Large Memory Num Flex Allocations ','0 ..
'Large Memory Flexible % ','50 %','','',..
'Large Memory Flexible used ','0 MB','..
'Large Memory Inflexible % ','90 %','','',..
'Large Memory Inflexible used ','0 MB','..
'Large Memory Anti-Starvation % ','50 %','','',..
'Large Memory Num Connections ','0 ..
> sp_iqlmastatus
----- LMA::Dump (oslib/hos_mem.cxx:3211)-------
Flexible Memory Usage ---
Max Specified Large Memory = 2147483648
Percentage of Flexible Memory =50
Percentage of Inflexible Memory =90
Percentage of Anti-starvation =50
Max Available Flexible Memory = 1073741824
Max Available Inflexible Memory = 1932735283
Total Granted Flexible Memory=0
Total Users of Flexible Memory= 0
Flexible memory still allocated:
Inflexible Memory Usage ---
Total Granted Inflexible Memory =134225920
Total Users of Allocates Inflexible Memory = 2
Total Unlocked Inflexible Memory = 0
Total Users of Unlocked Inflexible Memory = 0
Inflexible memory still allocated:
MemID= 3 Status=LM_ALLOC Priority=LM_HIGH MemSize= 67109376 Counter=1 MemAddr=0x7fb10dc56000 Large Memory Inflexible slib/s_pitr log.cxx:726
MemID= 4 Status=LM_ALLOC Priority=LM_HIGH MemSize= 67109376 Counter=1 MemAddr=0x7fb109c55000 Large Memory Inflexible slib/s_pitr log.cxx:726
Total Inflexible memory still allocated: (requested=134218752, actual=134225920)
Inflexible memory unlocked with high priority:
Inflexible memory unlocked with low priority:
Inflexible memory unlocked (lost and found):
---- LMA dump end ----
- SAP IQ 16.0
- SAP IQ 16.1
unlocked, sp_iqlmastatus , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , BW-SYS-DB-IQ , BW on HANA with Sybase IQ Near-line Storage , HAN-DYT , SAP HANA Dynamic Tiering , How To
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