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2380670 - Error while deleting SAML identity provider <table>. Unable to drop SAML provider <table> because of existing user mappings defined for that provider.


You want to delete SAML providers for users and you see the following errors:

"Error while deleting SAML identity provider <provider>. Unable to drop SAML provider <provider> because of existing user mappings defined for that provider".



  • SAP HANA Database
  • Using SAML for security and user management


SAP HANA 1.0, platform edition ; SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0


sys.saml_user_mappings; DROP IDENTITY FOR SAML PROVIDER; CASCADE; [CODE-4234] Deleting provider failed because of internal error : Unable to drop SAML provider because of existing user mappings defined for that provider. exception  1: no.71004234 ; Error while deleting SAML identity provider <provider>. Unable to drop SAML provider <provider> because of existing user mappings defined for that provider; Error while deleting SAML identity provider <table>. Unable to drop SAML provider <table> because of existing user mappings defined for that provider ;Deleting provider failed because of internal error ;Unable to drop SAML provider because of existing user mappings defined for that provider; 71004234  , KBA , HAN-DB-SEC , SAP HANA Security & User Management , Problem

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