SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2381539 - A Contact Created Using Quick Create While A Ticket Is Open Will Be Taken Over Into The Ticket Even If It Is For A Different Account


 A Contact which gets created for any Account when using the quick create option while a Ticket is open will be taken over into the Ticket UI of the open Ticket.

Reproducing the Issue


  1. Go to the Service work centre.
  2. Go to the Tickets view.
  3. Open any Ticket ABC (ABC represents the name) with an Account DEF (DEF represents the Account name).
  4. Use the quick create option to create a new Contact for an Account GHI.
  5. Click Save.

Result: The newly created Contact appears as Contact in the Ticket eventhough it was correctly created for the Account GHI.

NOTE: The same behaviour happens when creating Accounts/ Contacts/ Individual Customers created while the Ticket UI is opened.


It is technically not possible to differentiate if the Contact was created in the Ticket or outside the Ticket.
Therefore if anywhere in the solution UI a contact is created while a Ticket is open simultaneously, the created Contact will be added to the Ticket as Main Contact.

In Service Scenarios (example in Ticket) we support creation of Contact from within the value help on the Contact field.
Due to this if the Ticket UI is open and a new Contact is created (either from the Ticket or from the Contact quick create), the Contact field in Ticket is filled.


This is expected system behaviour.


KBA , LOD-CRM-SRP , Service Request Processing , How To


SAP Cloud for Customer core applications 1708 ; SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer add-ins 1605 ; SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer add-ins 1611 ; SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer add-ins 1702 ; SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer add-ins 1711