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2382408 - How to access the back-end server with web dispatcher while using Fiori Launchpad


You are using Web Dispatcher to map requests for your Fiori Launchpad Frontend server.

When you open a tile which you use System Alias and RFC Destination (type H) to navigate it to a backend server (e.g. SAP GUI for HTML application), you find the backend server is exposed to the end users in the HTTP trace.

You want to access the back-end server also with web dispatcher.

(Or you want to hide the backend server information from the end users while launching the backend applications on Fiori Launchpad.)



  • SAP Fiori Launchpad


SAP Fiori 1.0


Fiori Launchpad, web dynpro, SAP GUI for HTML, transaction, web dispatcher, RFC connection, #SAPFiori, #SAPFLP , KBA , CA-UI2-INT-FE , Please use CA-FLP-FE-COR , CA-UI2-INT-BE , Please use CA-FLP-ABA , How To

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