We would like to know how to make use of the Item Completed and Item Needs search fields in the User search
Learning Management System (LMS)
Items completed:
if you populate any items here and then search for users, the LMS will return all users who have had this item assigned at some point in time.
- For credit: will return all users who have successfully completed this item at some point in time.
- Not for credit: will return all users who have unsuccessfully completed this item
- No history: will return all users who were assigned this item but never completed it
Item Needs:
if you populate any items here and then search for users, the LMS will return all users who currently have this item assigned to them.
item fields, user search, item needs, items completed, no history, for credit, not for credit , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-ADM , System Admin, Global Variables, References , LOD-SF-LMS , Learning Management System , How To